Our team


Katja Theobald, MD
Specialist in orthopedics / family medicine

Agata Jagoda, MD
General medicine / family medicine

Dr. Giorgio D’Alessandro
Specialist in physical medicine and rehabilitation
and pain specialist

Cordula Gubler, MD
Specialist Internal Medicine
and acupuncture

Practice Assistants & Trainees

Xhenisa Sahili
Medical Practice Assistant

Annemarie Türckheim
Medical practice assistant

Anja Weimann
Medical Practice Assistant

Tom Theobald

We train
The apprenticeship for this year as a medical practice assistant is already taken.

We are looking for reinforcement.

Medical Office Assistant position open.
Part-time or full-time.
Applications: klosters@arzt-team.ch

Would you like to complement our team and do you fit with your profile and as a person exactly in our company and in the region?
We offer attractive employment conditions with the possibility to combine leisure and work.

Then we look forward to receiving your unsolicited application at any time.